Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wow this thing is addictive.

So the type might not be the coolest but they're still the best band ever!!!
Fear "lyrics"
Don't you turn a blind eye
Change whats been programmed inside
Staying silent is a crime
Listen to me when I tell you
Feel the passion in my breath
Stay on top if they let you
Cause the change is permanent

Great typographic designer

Just thought I'd share this with everyone. I came across this artist when I was looking for typographers; Neville Brody. He's just brilliant. I know we equate success with money(not that he doesn't have it) but he mentions how money has become a driving motivator for alot of young designers and because of that we've lost some human connectivity. Which is rather interesting because if you loose a connection with something then how can you effectively convey a message?

Monday, January 11, 2010


this is theshitzit people at theshiznille blog. bringing you the real shiznit, every hour on the hour