Thursday, April 1, 2010

poster series

I really like this poster series I don't know. But numbers just appeal to me. I like the series because there's alot going on but it's still a cohesive design because of the numbers

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

fabric type

This type is really interesting. The texture gives a nice flow and adds cohesiveness to the lettersWell, Tania Alvarez has created some beautiful letters called Fabric Type that convey some much of the appeal and intricacy of guilloche patterns.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Mathew Carter

Throughout the years I was conducting design seminars around the country, one of the most popular segments of my Creative Layout & Design seminar was the Typography & Fonts. The presentation started with "Which font should I use," which demonstrated a world of great fonts and faces other than the traditional Times, Bookman, Helvetica and Brush. (Yuch!) When it came to a classic serif with an old style twist, the modern digitization of Galliard was one of the ones I stressed. Of course that was ITC Gailliard, forged from the pen of typography master Matthew Carter. I would show wall-sized blow-ups of the lower case a, g, and f from the Gailliard Italic demonstrating their unique personality and almost steel-brush quality. But that revival is but one from Carter's illustrious and continuing career.

Matthew Carter is a type designer with more than forty years' experience of involvement in the typographic arts ranging from hand-cut punches to digitized computer fonts. He began in the Linotype companies where he designed and developed type faces for many years, then became a co-founder of Bitstream Inc., the digital typefoundry in 1981. Today, he is a principal of Carter & Cone Type Inc., in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he and Cone (also from Bitstream) continue to design and produce original typefaces.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

weeds logo

It's a simple logo but it works and if you've ever seen the show they find creative ways of showing it each episode

counterform countercool

I like this design it's clean. Very interesting counterforms. Seems like using grids really does wonders...Hmmm that could be an idea for the next project. Crouwel really knows how to utilize a grid

Monday, February 1, 2010


This font is from NBC's Castle. The main character is a high profile writer who shadow's hot detective as inspiration for his books. That in mind it's just a brilliant design. It works better when you can see the motion, how the pen moves in a downwards thrusting motion but what I really love is the blood in place of the ink. That contrast and the splatter effect are just a few things that enhances the gestalt of this piece

stat tune for "Weed".....little boxed made of tickie tackie

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wow this thing is addictive.

So the type might not be the coolest but they're still the best band ever!!!
Fear "lyrics"
Don't you turn a blind eye
Change whats been programmed inside
Staying silent is a crime
Listen to me when I tell you
Feel the passion in my breath
Stay on top if they let you
Cause the change is permanent

Great typographic designer

Just thought I'd share this with everyone. I came across this artist when I was looking for typographers; Neville Brody. He's just brilliant. I know we equate success with money(not that he doesn't have it) but he mentions how money has become a driving motivator for alot of young designers and because of that we've lost some human connectivity. Which is rather interesting because if you loose a connection with something then how can you effectively convey a message?

Monday, January 11, 2010


this is theshitzit people at theshiznille blog. bringing you the real shiznit, every hour on the hour